Program description
The University of British Columbia offers a one-year Forensic Psychiatry Training Program that is accredited by the Royal College of Physicians of Canada. The goal of our training program is to produce a generalist in forensic psychiatry with the skills to teach, consult, assess and manage referrals in criminal, correctional, and civil forensic psychiatry matters.
The first six months of the program encompass core training in criminal matters related to adult forensic psychiatry. The remaining six months of training is comprised of rotations in civil forensic psychiatry, youth forensic psychiatry, and correctional psychiatry. Forensic research is available as a selective training option.
The core training site for criminal forensic psychiatry is the 190-bed Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Port Coquitlam and the six regional forensic outpatient clinics. The youth forensic psychiatry rotation is at an Inpatient Assessment Unit, outpatient clinic and Youth Custody Centre in Burnaby. The civil forensic psychiatry rotation training sites are in Vancouver at St. Paul’s Hospital and in a private forensic practice office. The correctional psychiatry rotation training site with the Correctional Service of Canada is at the Pacific Institution/Regional Treatment Centre in Abbotsford.
Additional funding will be provided for core risk assessment training courses including the PCL-R and HCR-20 and to attend the AAPL Forensic Psychiatry Review Course.
**Applicants must have completed a Canadian Psychiatry Residency Training Program and be eligible for an independent practice license through the College of Physicians & Surgeons of British Columbia; other Applicants who qualify for educational licenses will be considered if they have external funding available.