Program description
With the recognition of Forensic Psychiatry by the Royal College, the University of Ottawa is on the forefront of preparing fellows for a career as a general forensic psychiatrist. As well, we offer opportunities to pursue areas of interest, including sexual behaviours, research, anger disorders, and family Court issues. We have a large number of teaching staff, many of whom are leaders in the field. As well, there are opportunities to train in French and employment opportunities following training.
Fellows will have opportunities in the following areas:
Criminal Responsibility & Fitness to Stand Trial Assessments
- We offer 24 assessment beds on two campuses
- High volume of assessment
- Regular opportunities to testify
Evaluation & Management of Sexual Offenders
- Internationally recognized sexual behaviours clinic
- Research opportunities
- Sexual preference testing
Management of NCR/NGRI acquittees
- We have 78 rehabilitation beds on two campuses
- Significant experience in ORB hearings
Correctional Psychiatry
- 100 bed inpatient facility for seriously mentally ill offenders
- outreach to large local detention centre
Child & Adolescent Forensic Issues, Mental Health Court, Dangerous Offender & Longterm Offender Evaluations, Dysfunctional Anger, Independent Medical Evaluations & Civil law matters, teaching & research
**Applicants must be eligible for an independent practice license through the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario; individuals who qualify for educational licenses will be considered if they have external funding available.